Turning the Corner

Day 10 - Hope is in the Air

So, there's hope. I woke up this morning - for the first time in ten days - without the now familiar struggle to fully fill my lungs with air. It's an unbelievable but welcome experience. I'm hearing that typical mild cases last around 14 days, so I'm hopefully in the proverbial home stretch.

I'm still experiencing fatigue and shortness of breath, but by far, the lung compression and restriction has been the most difficult to deal with, so this is a significant day for me. Honestly, there were moments when I wondered if I would ever feel better. But today, I do.

My doctor called yesterday and said she's seeing some patients feel relief with an Albuterol Sulfate inhaler, and a Z-pack. I was already puffing from an old one (I'm prone to regular bouts of bronchitis), but she ordered a new one and told me to puff more regularly. The Z-pack could be a placebo effect, she said, but I welcomed it into the defensive lineup. I've been taking Mucinex as well.

Unfortunately, there will be more and more of you going through this in the days and weeks to come, and I want you to know you're not alone. I ignored my symptoms for four days before I called my doctor, and before I allowed myself to accept it and rest. By sharing my experience, I am hoping others will be more aware and act quickly. I am grateful to be dealing with a milder case, as I know I am a lucky one. Now or down the road, if you or someone you know needs support - whether it's because an individual, family member or friend is sick, or you just want to be supportive for others - please come join the conversation in this supportive group: S.S. COVID-19. We are in this together.


Let There Be Light


Diagnosis: COVID-19