Oops & Hello, Remember Me?

Do you remember that time you finished a school paper, a tedious project for work, a pour-your-heart-out love letter … any number of projects that are impossible to completely duplicate, and with an accidental stroke of a finger or an unexpected power surge, POOF! it was gone?

That happened to me, except instead of losing a document, I lost literally years of blogs. My old website was basically nonfunctional due to negligence and a sheer lack of technical know-how, and so when I shut it down to start over, I failed to correctly save all my work. It was one of those moments you see in movies when someone falls to their knees screaming and grabbing their face. But also with a significant amount of nausea.

And because I’m on my third laptop since writing them, they are all on an old hard drive, on an old PC that I can no longer access. I’m sure there are ways, but I’m still in the denial phase and unwilling to deal.

Fortunately, there is a semi-glowing bright spot in all this. I’ve grown and changed as a writer, and so I have an opportunity to reintroduce myself. It’s been awhile.

So, here it goes. Hello, my name is Michelle Freed, and I hope you’ll visit again soon. Thanks for being here.


Cuban & Sooner: We Just Hope Nobody Gets Hurt


Please, No More Words of the Year